Happy (ahem) Monday! (blah) lol
Hope you had a great weekend!!!
Sooo ... its the holidays!
And we want to give a gift to one lucky person!
Could that be you?!

Hope you had a great weekend!!!
Sooo ... its the holidays!
And we want to give a gift to one lucky person!
Could that be you?!
Studio 3 Solutions is sponsoring this Christmas Wish giveaway by giving one lucky winner a Color Cubbie!! Im telling ya I LOVE the Color Cubbie!!! Its so handy and perfect for storing my markers!
If this is on your Christmas Wish list, well heres all you have to do for your chance to win:
(sorry, this is only open to US participants)
Required to Win:
1 - Become a follower here, just click on the 'follow' button in the sidebar or you can subscribe through the reader.
2 - Post about this giveaway, Studio 3 Solutions and Wee Memories on your blog. You can pick up the badge above by right clicking on it and 'save as'.
3 - Leave a comment here letting me know you have done 1 and 2, and also tell us your favorite Christmas memory or tradition!!
Good Luck everyone!!
I will be giving another one of these away for New Years!
Have a great week everyone!! :) :) :)

Well, you know I'm a follower and I have posted this on my blog now too. Love these! I have a similar, single cubbie but it is starting to burst at the seams with my Copics, so another one sure would come in handy! Thanks, Jenny! :)
Forgot my favorite Christmas memory! Here goes: When my son as 3 or 4 years old, my husband took a huge boot and placed it on the tile, just outside of the fireplace. He then sprinkled some ashes, from the fireplace, all around the boot and lifted it up. There was a perfect boot print for my son to see on Christmas morning! The look on his face was priceless! He stared at it for the longest time, then said, "Look mom! There's where Santa came out of the chimney!" Thanks for reminding me of my favorite holiday memory!
I am already a follower and I love the cubbie...I have two but would love more. They are fantastic. My favorite memory is a Christmas when we had just moved to a new city, and state. We were all feeling homesick, but it turned out to be one of the best Christmas's ever.
Wow, what an awesome giveaway!!! I am already a follower and I just put the giveaway on my side bar with a link back to your blog.. My favorite Christmas memory is last year our family was finally complete after having my second child and to top it off we had a White Christmas!!! I just loved it.. Thanks for the chance to win..
amandas crafts and more at hotmail dot com
I am a follower and this giveaway is spotlighted on my blog. The best part of my Christmas, every year, is watching my daughter open her presents. She just LOVES opening them and would love to get them everyday, like most children. Watching her excitement and happiness brightens up my life tremendously.
Thank you for the chance to win! Happy Holidays!
I have posted a Blog about your site and the studio solutions..here
My favorite memory is just being with my family on christmas.. baking and just enjoying each others company...
done & done!!! these are DEF on my christmas wishlist so it would be fabulous to win one.
my fav christmas holiday tradition - i have so many - but i love driving around with hot chocolate looking at christmas lights signing christmas carols!
Hi !! Wonderful Candy!! That is the best storage for markers I have seen yet!! I have been a follower for a while now! I also posted about this great giveaway on my blog. My favorite holiday tradition is filling our Christmas stockings. I shop all year long for the small things to put in the stockings. For our family they are the most fun on Christmas morning. Colleen laysig@telus.net
I am a follower and I posted about the giveaway on my blog! What a FUN prize!
My favorite Christmas tradition is the advent calendar. I have a large quilt with pockets that are numbered and I put a little figurine from the nativity in each pocket. Each day the kids get to see what is in the pocket and add the figure to the nativity scene! Helps us to reinforce the true reason we celebrate Christmas!
I am now a follower and posted apicture of your candy on my sidebar with a link back to you!
My favorite Christmas tradition is watching A Christmas Story with my sister and mother every Christmas Day!
Thank you so much for the chance at your awesome candy! My husband got me markers for Christmas, and just last night we were talking about holders for them, and I was trying to explain to him about these exact organizers!!!
I am a new follower and have now posted it on my side bar linked back to you.
My favorite holiday memory was the year my parents didn't have a lot of money so they had a do a "hand made" Christmas. we drew names out of a hat and then we had to make a gift for that sibling. I had my little brother who loved army helicopters. My dad helped me make him a wood helicopter with spinning propellers. It took us 2 months to make and paint it but it was amazing and my brother absolutely loved it. Any time you ask one of my sibling what their favorite Christmas was they aways say it was the "Hand Made Christmas."
I have been a follower for some time now!!! And just made a blog post on it too!
My favorite Chrsitmas memory is that we had a Calender with pockets and I loved moving the little mouse down a day until it was Christmas! It was my favorite thing to do, we still have the Calender and still use it to this day!
both done, and im already a follower, id love to win this it would be prefect for my markers, my fave christmas memory, hummmmmm every year my sister and i had 3 decorations each that we got to put on the tree, we would spend ages finding the prefect place for them, and my family doesnt have a star or an angel to go on top of the tree we have a snowman, i remember the year we got it from my aunt and uncle in the states, my dad would put him on the top of the tree every year, as my dad isnt really bothered with decorations it was nice for him to put him on the top of the tree and we'd all stand back and look at the tree,
thanks for the candy
Jenny :)
Thanks so much for a chance to win. I am already a follower. I love your blog. I did BOTH #1 and #2.
My favorite Xmas tradition is sitting in our "xmas chair" posing for a picture while you open the gift.
I am already a follower and I posted on my blog! My favorite tradition is driving around looking at the Christmas Lights!
Well Jenny, I am trying to get adjusted to Blog world, and getting it slowly but surely.
Here is my blog addie,
I have added your blinkie to my blog, liked you on facebook and made a comment about your give away on my blog. You are my first advertised give a way!! I am slow, but will catch up eventually!!
Thanks for the chance at your lovely prize, would so help me get my desk organized, my copics would look lovely in that. THANKS.
Hope you are enjoying married life.
I just becmae a follower and I don't have a blog but I hope I can still qualify??? I would really like a color cubbie - or three! Lol. My favorite Christmas tradition is going to a candelight church service and singing Christmas Hymns. It's so peaceful and fills my heart with the true meaning of Christmas. Beautiful.
Wow wonderful giveaway. My fav Christmas tradition is watching "It's a Wonderful Life". I posted about the giveaway on my blog here:
Thanks for the chance to win!
I just became a follower and posted this on my blog!
My favorite tradition growing up was being able to pick one gift and open it on Christmas eve. We have now passed that tradition on to our kiddos
I'm now following and posted this to my blog. What a great "gift" this will be! We had the tradition when the kids were living with us to open gifts Christmas Eve and then play all day Christmas. Now that we're empty nesters we really don't have much for traditions other than attend church Christmas Eve if possible.
Sorry when I posted yesterday I forgot about my favorite memory or tradition, I think what seems to stick the most is that we had a Family, no divorce, parents were truly happily married, we would spend Xmas eve all together, not making rounds between divorced parents, we would make cookies, have Xmas dinner, and then go to midnight mass candle light service, of which me and my grandmother sang in the choir, and then we would all go home and we got to open one present, and then it was off to bed and to await Santa coming, usually only a few hours sleep, then we would have warm cinnamon buns while opening our gifts and it was just a warm family time!! One that we just don't have any more!! Thank God for Memories!!!
Thanks Jenny.
Just became a follower! I love to find new blogs to get ideas from. I did post on my blog at: http://christine-creations.blogspot.com/
Holiday memory/tradition: definitely making the candy and cookies. We certainly do not eat much of it but it is so fun to make with the kids.
Merry Christmas!
My favorite Christmas tradition is one that my husband and I created the first year we were married. We celebrate our wedding anniversary on Nov 2nd and each year, we go away for a few days to celebrate and while away, we make sure we purchase new ornaments for our tree. Each year as we hang the ornaments, we reminisce about the time away and have lasting memories with each decoration.
Thanks for the opportunity to win...I've posted the giveaway over at The Open Window.
What a great Christmas gift, for any of us crafty girls. I did 1 & 2& 3, however my picture does not show up in the followers box?? anyways, favorite Holiday tradition, I love Christams eve when my girls still leave cookies for santa and spread reindeer food in the yard. They love waiting for santa!
I am already a follower
I don't have a blog, but I'll leave you a comment. One of my favorite memories is my mom making "hot cereal" all day in the oven for my dad's present. The whole house would smell of worchestershire and garlic, but he always acted surprised on Christmas day when he opened the box!
My favorite Christmas traditions is making tamales with my mom and sisters. I'm a follower and have posted your on my sidebar. Thanks you and Happy Holidays!!!!
I'm already a follower, & I posted about this on my blog, too:
My favorite Christmas memory was the year Santa brought me a kitchen table & chairs. I wanted one for years (& marked them in the Sears catalog every year!), & I was bursting when I FINALLY got one! :D
I am already a follower, but you are now in my candy jar in my sidebar!
My favorite Christmas memory was back in 2001, when my great grandmother was still alive and we got a 5 generation picture with her, my grandmother, my mom, myself, and my oldest daughter. She passed away less than a year before her second great-great-granddaughter was born the following year, at the ripe old age of 101. I miss her, and my grandmother, so much each Christmas!
What a generous gift! I'm following, I've spread the word.....One of my best Christmas Memories was the last year that my Grandmother celebrated Christmas. We made arrangements for her Sister in law to come for the Holidays. They both stayed for two weeks. They hadn't seen each other in a couple of years, so it was music to the ears to hear the two 85 year olds, who were sharing a bedroom, giggling like teenagers again. Both have since passed and have faith that there is a lot of laughing going on in heaven.
Merry Christmas to you and your family
Thanks a bunch I am a follower and shared on my blog...
My favorite tradition that my husband and I do (we don't have kids) is we decorate our tree together while we drink homemade cocoa and listen to christmas music. it is so relaxing and nice to spend that special time together before the hectic holiday season bumrushes us all!
This would be the icing on the cake for Christmas! With all of the copic markers that I've been acquiring... this would fit right in with my room decor.
I am a follower, i will post on my blog today when I get to my computer can't do it from my ipod.
My favorite memory was when my brother and I slept behind the couch, so we could see santa when he came to bring our presents.
I enjoy visiting your blog.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I am a follower already and have posted about your giveaway on my blog and also have a link on my sidebar. One of our fave traditions is my husband and I getting up very early on Christmas and opening our gifts together with special coffee and pastries making it a memorable event....just the 2 of us.
Hi Jenny...already did the first two...now my memory...I think it will be this Christmas! My son has just turned 3 and really understands that Santa is coming! The only thing he is asking for is a drum set. So, I can't wait to see his face when Santa brins him drums!!!! I'll let you know!
I'm a follower and posted about this wonderful giveaway on my blog. I wasn't sure if you meant the cubbies being the badge above, but I put that in. And who wouldn't want those wonderful cubbies... wow.
I have fun memories of my boys waking me up early in the morning to open presents. I'd call their grandparents and they'd come over and we'd have fun watching them open presents. Fond memories.
I am a follower and I have posted the giveaway on my blog, just click on my name above to go to my blog. :)
My favorite Christmas tradition is jumping on the snowmachines (aka snowmobiles) and riding down to the river to find a Christmas tree. It's always snowy white and frosty and so beautiful outside, the snow glitters like diamonds, the fridgid temperatures cause the sky to be pink against the snowy mountains. Can't beat it. Sometimes we come home with "charlie Brown" trees, but we love it anyway.
I'm a follower with Google Friend Connect with the name susies1955
I posted about your giveaway on my blog:
My favorite memory is my twin sister and I tying our angles together so we could tug on them all night to be up Christmas. :)
I am already a follower and I love the cubbie.
One of the things I remember about Christmas is, when I was a child, and I went with my grandad to a town with the bike! I loved it!!!
My follower name is Gondor Tari, my mail is khelek18@gmail.com and this is the link of my blog: http://idayvueltaoviceversa.blogspot.com/2010/12/ultimos-sorteos-del-anos.html
I am a follower here, but I don't have a blog.... will mention the giveaway on my FB wall though, so I hope that will qualify me for your drawing!
I'm posting on my blog now and have just become a follower! :) I love Color Cubbies!! :)
ok, i tried to add on last night with a favorite christmas tradition - it's GOT to be spending an evening listening to the Christmas ships that cruise the Puget Sound - they come down to the end of Lake Washington where we live several times during the season and dock out in the middle with the choir singing holiday tunes...it's so festive and pretty!!!!!
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