Edit: Just a little update. Im heading back down to Los Angeles tomorrow with my daughter and will be back tomorrow night. My Dad is home and doing much better, he passed a kidney stone so thats what all the pain was. His hernia is not bothering him right now the doctor said.
Jasons Dad is still in ICU. They did an endoscopy today and didnt find anything in his stomach but the damage from the procedure has got him in allot of pain. Better news is they hope to move him out of ICU tomorrow so at least they have him somewhat stabilized. All they can do now is make him comfortable until God makes his decision.
I will be around after tomorrow night, I have our daughter to take care of and lots of work to do and I have to hold things down at home. Thanks to everyone who has sent emails, offered to send cards, left lots of love and prayers for us. I appreciate them more than you know. I miss my craft room and plan to do some therapeutic crafting tonight! I need it.
Hope everyone can still play in my challenge this week, cant wait to see your wonderful creations. I will be back Friday with some exciting stuff!!! Have a wonderful day!! God bless!! - xo

Thanks for the update. Wish i could do something for you and your family. Still keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers...♥U
Keeping you all in my prayers, Jenny.......
Jenny, Very glad that your dad is feeling better. Sending prayers of peace for your father in law.
Thank you so much for the update! Still praying. I had a kidney stone 3 years ago. I've had 4 children and natural childbirth - I can tell you from experience that a kidney stone is MUCH worse!! Hugs and Love to you. Got the card in the mail earlier this week so hopefully it won't take too long to get to you there. :) Janis
Keeping you in my thoughts. Big hugs to you and your family.
Glad to hear the news on your Dad ... and still have your FIL in my prayers!! {{{hugs}}} :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Thanks for the update. Please take care of yourself and know you can trust God in the midst of all of this. Luv ya!
Jenny, I'm very glad that your dad is feeling better.
Hugs and prayers for you and your family! Glad to read your dad is doing better!
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