Hi all,
I threw out my back really bad on Friday so I have been laid up in bed for days. I had to come to work today but I cant stand sitting in the chair so im heading home.
Just wanted to let you know Simone will be back later with the winners post, shes going to post it for me.
Also the STUDIO 3 Color Cubbie giveaway ends on Christmas Eve so be sure to get your entry in for your chance to win!!!
Hope you all enjoy your Christmas week!
Merry Christmas!!
And Happy New Year!!
Cant believe I will be writing 2011 soon! EEK!

I threw out my back really bad on Friday so I have been laid up in bed for days. I had to come to work today but I cant stand sitting in the chair so im heading home.
Just wanted to let you know Simone will be back later with the winners post, shes going to post it for me.
Also the STUDIO 3 Color Cubbie giveaway ends on Christmas Eve so be sure to get your entry in for your chance to win!!!
Hope you all enjoy your Christmas week!
Merry Christmas!!
And Happy New Year!!
Cant believe I will be writing 2011 soon! EEK!
Oh my goodness! sorry to hear that...hope you can enjoy the holidays!
I can't believe that it is almost 2011. Where has the yr gone?
Feel better soon...we are all here for you..
Ack! Sorry to hear about your back. Hope you're fine by Christmas!
Sounds miserable :( Hope you start feeling better soon!
Oops, Take care Jenny as Back always gives problems, if not properly taken care of. Rest and I hope you get well soon by Christmas.
Oh dear, hope you feel better soon!!!
I hope you get better soon!!!
Oh, sweetie, I do feel for you. I've thrown my back out before and it is one of THE most painful things. Sorry it happened so close to the holidays too. Take it easy and hope you are up and feeling better soon.
You poor thing! Feel better soon! Merry christmas! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Merry Christmas!! Get better soon! )))
Feel Better Soon and Merry Christmas!
Feel Better Soon and Merry Christmas!
i hope your back is better real soon sweetie
i wish you'll a merry chrismas and a happy new year
hugs angelique
Oh NO!! I've just been in a similar situation and really do FEEL FOR YOU in every way :0(! I do hope that you're better soon and that this in no way ruins any of this special time of the year for you!
So sorry to hear about your back! :( Just take it easy and don't try to soldier on through any pain. Let everyone spoil you a bit! :) Have a wonderful Christmas.
Oh no, feel better soon!!
I hope your back feels better soon! Enjoy your holidays!
Oh Jenny, hope your back will be better soon so that you can enjoy the holidays!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Oh my goodness!! Hope you feel better soon, I know how painful back problems can be! Hope you will be healed so that you can enjoy the holidays!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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