Hi everyone!! I just wanted to update you on the goings on this weekend. We got Jasons Dad to the VA hospital and they admitted him after they drained the fluid from his body (7 liters, eek) so they got that all taken care of and he instantly felt tons better. They ran some blood tests and others and did an ultrasound. He has a blood clot in his liver and his kidneys are failing. His liver is stage 3. They estimated 3-6 months for his prognosis but it might be better once they get the liver specialist team in on Tuesday. They are running more tests tomorrow and we will head back down, hes sleeping all day today they are not doing nothing but keeping him pain free today. We will know more on Tuesday. THANK YOU so much for all the prayers!!!!! XOXO!
I took my daughter on a Girl Scout trip because she could not be down at the hospital in the ER and its not a good place for a 9 yr old so Saturday we went to the Zoo with the Girl Scouts and she had her friend spend the night last night and now shes over there at her house staying the night. Sweet girl, they had a blast. Keep her mind off of her Papa, she was very upset about it all.
Now that things are calmer around here im working on the project and post for the challenge. :)
Hope your enjoying your holiday weekend!
I wish him good health, hoping to mend and everything is fine!
I'll keep him in my prayers.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Jenny!!!
So glad he's not in pain and feels better with the fluid drained! I'm sure its a relief to see him being taken care of. ((hugs)) my friend!
So nice to hear your FIL is feeling less pain. Such a difficult thing to go through! I will continue to keep him and your family in my prayers, Jenny. Hugs to you.
Glad to hear he's feeling better. But I'm so sorry he's so sick. I hope for a miracle for you guys.
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